


Susana Alves

Education Ph.D. in Architecture (Environment-Behavior Studies) (May 2003) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, U.S Dissertation Title: The Role of Nature-Related Activities in the Psychological Well-Being of Nursing Home Residents. Supervisor: Professor Uriel Cohen Major Concentration: restorative and nature-related interventions Minor Concentration: visual research methods

M. S. in Environmental Psychology (May 1997) Universidade de Brasília, Brazil Thesis Title: Trees from Brasília: An Exploratory Study of Preferred Form Supervisor: Professor Harmut Günther   B. S. in Psychology (July 1993) Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil

Key Qualifications Susana Alves (1970) is an Environmental Psychologist whose research examines how landscapes can be used to promote people’s health and psychological well-being. Dr. Alves’ research has focused on older adults, retired migrants, and urban residents. Her research has addressed quality-of-life issues in neighbourhood outdoor spaces and institutional settings for the elderly where she has assessed older adults’ landscape perceptions and activities. She has engaged in cross-cultural studies and also in a large longitudinal study to examine the impact of pedestrian-friendly streets in the health and well-being of British elderly. She has worked on the EU project PLUREL, part of 6th framework to examine migration, aging and ethnicity and their impact on land use in Europe.

Dr. Alves promotes a culturally sensitive approach to design with a concern to disseminate research findings to academic and non-academic audiences. A strong component of her work is the use of a multi-method approach to research by combining quantitative and qualitative procedures. Also, she adds visually-based tools and forms of communication (web sites, blogs, and booklets) to her work in order to provide information that is easily translated to design. Her purpose is to use research on Landscape for Ageing to support design of age-friendly environments, and guide environmental interventions towards health promotion, cultural diversity, and sustainable tourism practices.

She has engaged in research and teaching activities in environmental psychology, landscape architecture, and architecture in Brazil, US, UK, and Turkey. She is currently working as an assistant professor in the department of Architecture at the Okan Üniversitesi in Istanbul, Turkey. Current research activities involve: evaluation of residential quality of residents in Istanbul; analysis of landscape affordances, and urban agriculture in Istanbul. Dr. Alves co-chairs the Nature & Ecology Network at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) and edited a special issue on Ageing and Environment for Psyecology.

Current Position Assistant Professor (January 2012-present); Okan Üniversitesi; Faculty of Engineering & Architecture; Department of Architecture, İstanbul, Turkey

Previous Positions Research Associate (June 2006 – June 2011); OPENspace Research Centre; Edinburgh College of Art – Edinburgh, UK Post-Doctorate Researcher (October 2003 – June 2006); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – Natal, RN; Brazil


Antonio Apicella

is full professor of Materials Science and Technology at the Second University of Naples and Director of the Master school of “Design for Innovation” at the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the same University. Current research on new biomimetic materials are carried out at the Material Lab he founded at the Architecture school. He is currently holding the courses of Smart materials and Materials for Industrial Design.
Professional career:
Since 2011 Director of the Master School of “Design for innovation” at the Second University of Naples.
Since 2004 in the panel of experts of Ministry of Industry as reviewer of projects of industrial research.
Since 2001 in the panel of the reviewer MIUR of projects of industrial research.
1998-2004 Member of the technical-scientific Committee of the consortium Prode (Product Designs) between the University of the Studies of Naples and the ELASIS, FIAT researches center.
Since 1998 in the panel of the academic reviewer MIUR of the Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN) for thematics relative to materials science and technology and the sustainability.
Since 1996 in the panel of the experts of the European community for the review of the research proposals (General XII Science and Research and Development)
Since 1990 in the panel of the CNR experts on the advanced materials.
Prof. Apicella is author of more than 250 publications and conference speeches.


Marco Borrelli

born in Naples on April 28th , 1966, is working as university researcher since December 18th, 2004 at la Facoltà di Architettura – Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, sector ICAR 12 (Tecnologia dell’Architettura) in cooperation with Dipartimento di Industrial Design, Ambiente e Storia (IDEAS) and with the support of teaching at Corso di Laurea in Disegno Industriale, Disegno industriale per la Moda e la Laurea magistrale (Specialistica) in Disegno Industriale.

The main themes of research at the basis of Marco Borrelli university activity are design methodologies of a significant variety of conceptual models and subsets and new categories of products able to improve activities and spaces of productivity (retails, contract etc,).
The development of technologies related to sectors and interior design, with main reference to the re-functional of new buildings and/or new structures not used anymore correspond to a new way to identify the propositions of solutions whose aim is a radical renewal of design concept of modernity spaces.

The basis of this research looks inside the redefinition of the design field intended as key-elements for the use and functional use of new hybrid spaces such as container spaces able to adapt themselves to actual working and productive destinations.
The aim of the research is to propose models and design strategies coherent with a vision able to unify systems technology and process with design specificity and Interior design.
Additional research themes treated by Borrelli were those related to furniture design in the “Retail”sector and the role of design in relation to living culture, interior design and spaces inside commercial sector.
Furthermore he has developed additional design experimentation going from experience design to services design applied to contract and hospitality places.


Agostino Bossi

(Pola, 1941)

Full Professor of Interior Design, Chairman of Corso di Laurea in Arredamento, Interno Architettonico e Design in the Architectural Faculty of Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Professor ad Honorem at the Facultad de Arquitectura de Montevideo, Universidad de la República – República Oriental del Uruguay;
Coordinator of PhD in Philosophy of Architectonic Interior – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (2009-2011);
Professor of PhD Interior Design and Equipment in Milan; Professor in the Master en Diseño de Interiores – Universidad de Salamanca (Spain); Professor in the Master en Arquitectura de Interiores – UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain).

His researcher and academics activity is characterized by numerous projects of cultural exchange, in order to advertise the discipline in foreign Institutions and Universities.

For the necessity of verification and comparison among specific cultures, in order to put in light operative and teaching peculiarities, he sustains contacts full of meanings and goods results with Architectural Faculties in South America and Spain where he promotes and has annual classes, attended also by groups of Italian professors and students, he’s also invited in Universities of different countries.
He is Visiting Professor in the Architectural Faculties of: UPM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Universitat International de Catalunya – Barcelona (Spain); Matosinhos – Porto (Portugal); Ion Mincu University – Bucharest (Romania); La Plata; Tucumán; San Juan; Cordoba (Argentina); Ritter dos Reis – Porto Alegre; São Paulo (Brazil) Santiago de Chile (Chile); UUA- Aguascalientes (Mexico); University of Florida (U.S.A.).

He is author of numerous publications, books, essays and articles in specialized reviews in Italy and in foreign countries.
He participated, as a consultant of RAI Radiotelevisioneitaliana, in the promotion of didactic and divulgation activity by use of media and realized documentaries for the weekly column of “Il Piacere di Abitare” – RAI 2 –.
He promotes critical-operative activities for the spreading, in Italy and in foreign countries, of topics concerning the industrial object, hand craft object, historical object of common use, museography and art.

He participated in international conventions and meetings with reports and delivered conferences in foreign Institutions and Universities.


Gioconda Cafiero

was born in Vico Equense (NA) on 1.1.1966.
She enter university of Naples “Federico II” on 1984 and she takes a degree on 1990. She attends a postgraduate course in Interior design at the University of Naples. From 1990 she takes part in Interior Design Course by Prof. Filippo Alison in the Faculty of Architecture of University of Naples. Then she takes part in Exhibit Design and Furniture Design courses. PHD in Interior Design at Politecnico di Milano on 1998. In 1999 she wins a scholarship at DPUU of University of Naples, that end in 2001.

From 2002 to 2008 she is teaching in Degree Courses of Exhibit and Interior Design. From 2008 she is researcher for the Faculty of Architecture of University of Naples.

Among her publications: “Il progetto di Allestimento. Esposizione e comunicazione”, Ed. B. di M., Naples 1999; “Il valore dell’interno tra contemplazione e partecipazione”, Ed. B. di M., Naples 2002; “Museografia. Riflessioni sulla metodologia e l’identità disciplinare”, E.S.I., Napoli 2011 e “La Biblioteca. Uno spazio generato da un arredo”, E.S.I., Napoli 2012.


Raffaele Cercola

is professor of Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics of the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, where he teaches Local Marketing at the Bachelor Degree Course of Commerce and Administration and Strategic Marketing and Business Models at the Master in Economics and Management. Since 2009 he has been Professor of Strategic Marketing at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.
He is member of the Italian Academy of Business Economics and the Italian Society of Marketing. He is member of the board of PhD in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Then he is author of numerous publications in the field of Strategic Marketing, Marketing and Regional Tourism Marketing.
He was professor of Strategy and Marketing at different schools of management (Tagliacarne Institute – Rome; ISTUD – Stresa; STOA’ – Naples SPEGEA – Bari).

From 1998 to June 2010, he was president of the Mostra d’Oltremare of Naples, an institution that carries out activities in the field of fairs, congresses, cultural and territorial development in the western part of Naples.
He was president of A. E.F.I. Association of Exhibitions and Fairs Italian – Rome and the ISF Institute of Statistical Data Certifications Trade Shows – Bologna.

He was president of the Centrale del Latte di Napoli and component of admnistrative committee of GESAC SpA – Airports of Naples.
Moreover he is component of the Control Room on Tourism Government / Campania Region; of the Territorial Committee Unicredit Campania; of the Advisor Board of the culture area and tourism of the I. Com-Istituto per la competitività in Rome.
He worked from 1986 to 2000 with Society for Young Entrepreneurs of Rome as the professional expert in business planning and enterprise creation.


Mohammed Chadli

Degrees / Qualifications:
PhD: “Information and Communication sciences”, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France presented on December 19th 2007 (obtained with a Very Honorable distinction and unanimous congratulations from the jury).
M.A: “General and Applied Anthropology”, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, 1990.
B.A: “Psychology”, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Fez, 1984.
Associate Degree (DEUG): “Psychology”, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Fez, 1982.
Baccalaureate: Modern Literature, Fez, 1979.
Current occupations / Work experience:
– Since 1996, teacher-researcher (lecturer-researcher) at the National institute of and Archeological Sciences and Heritage (INSAP), Rabat, (institute under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture)
– Since 1998, Curator of Nejjarine Museum of Wood Arts and crafts, Fez, (museum under the care of ” Fondation Mohammed Karim Lamrani pour l’Ensemble Nejjarine “)
– Since 2010, holder of the Chair of “Arts and Culture” of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Granada, Spain.
– Since 2011-2012, Associate professor of specialized Master “Heritage and Development”, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Fez.
Associative activities:
Founding member of several committees of ICOM and Vice-President of ICOM-Maroc.
Research and publications:
– « La céramique domestique et contemporaine à Fès ». In HEDGECOE (J.) and SAMAR DAMLUJI (S.): The Art of Moroccan Ceramics. London, Garnet Publishing Limited, in association with Paris, les Editions Françaises pour le Monde Arabe, 1993, p. 82-111.
– “ Le musée Nejjarine des Arts et Métiers du bois, exemple de partenariat entre secteur public et privée ” Constituent Assembly of AFRICOM, Zambia, Lusaka, 3-9 October 1999. Paris, ICOM, pp. 143-145.
– “ Le musée Nejjarine des Arts et Métiers du bois à Fès ” Bulletin of ICOM-Maroc, n° 8, 2002.
– « Evolution du travail de la céramique à Fès », Catalogue of the Exhibition « La magie de la terre, céramique et poterie », BATHA Museum, Fez. Publications of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, Rabat, July 2002, pp. 8-18.
– « Le travail de la céramique à Fès », Catalogue of the Exhibition « Patrimoine et métiers traditionnels », Rabat, The Moroccan Ministry of Culture / Finland, Museum of Fine Arts Kerava, November 2003, pp. 28-30
– « Nejjarine, un fondouk restauré et réhabilité en musée », in (Under the direction of Caroline Gaultier – Kurhan ) : Patrimoine culturel marocain. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2003, pp. 267-287.
– « Aspectos institucionales de la gestion del patrimonio urbano en la epoca del protectorado Marroqui », in José A. Gonzalez Alcantud (ed.) La ciudad magrebi en tiempos coloniales. Invencion, conquista y transformacion. Barcelona, Anthropos, 2008, pp. 267-281.
– « El Arte Hispano-magrebi: de la invencion a la evolucion de un estilo de vida », in José A. Gonzalez Alcantud (ed.) la invencion del estilo hispano-magrebi, presente y futuros del pasado, Barcelona, Anthropos, 2010, pp. 111-129.
– .Ali Amahan, Mohammed Chadli, J.A. Gonzàlez Alcantud (eds.), « Fès, la ville mystérieuse : Anthropologie patrimoniale de la mémoire andalouse » (outsdanding publication).
Audiovisual productions: Audiovisual productions about traditional handicrafts and museums in Fez.
Conferences and meetings: Organization and participation in several symposiums and meetings both in Morocco and abroad.
Post-doctoral Studies: From May 2008 to March 2009, post-doctoral studies under the European ERASMUS program (Studies at the University of Nice Sophia-Antopolis, and the museums of the city Nice, France).


Carmine Gambardella

Full Professor – ICAR 17(DESIGN)
Department of Architecture and Industrial Design “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Second University of Naples

Director  Department of Architecture and Industrial Design “Luigi Vanvitelli” Second University of Naples

Dean Faculty of Archietcture “Luigi Vanvitelli” Second University of Naples

President and Scientific Director  Centre of Excellence of the Campania Region on Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy (BENECON), Institutional member of Forum UNESCO University and Heritage

Director  Doctorate School in Discipline of Architecture  Second University of Naples

Coordinator  Doctorate programme in Surveying and Representation of Architecture and Environment and Representation, Protection and Security of the Environment and Structures  Second University of Naples

Special Commissioner  for the construction of the anaerobic digestion plant at the STIR of Santa Maria Capua Cetere (CE)

2010 – Honorary President  National Committee of the Italian Fulbright Association for Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development, Urban Planning, Architecture and Management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

2006-2009 – Vice-Chancellor for Relations with Institutions Second Univeristy of Naples

2003-2009 – Director  Department of the Culture of Design Second University of Naples

2003-2006 – Delegate of the Chancellor of the Second University of Naples  for Orientation, Mentoring and European Projects

1970 – Degree in Architecture, University of Naples Federico II,  with a final mark of 110/110 (cum laude)


Cherubino Gambardella

(Naples 1962), architect since 1987, is Professor of Architectural Planning at the Architecture and Industrial Design Department “Luigi Vanvitelli”of the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli.

He always felt that, for a good planning, it is necessary also to ask oneself about deeper reasons of Theory. In almost twenty years of his career has written ten books and many essays in books, catalogs and magazines in Europe. From the beginning, his design work has been welcomed with approval and interest from critics and intellectuals of architecture as Bruno Zevi, Stephen Ray, Franco Purini and published in prestigious journals such as “Domus”, “A U architecture and urbanism”, “World Architecture”, “Detail”, “Area”, “Materia”, “Il progetto”, “Il giornale dell’architettura” etc.

Most times, newspapers as “Il sole 24 ore” and “Time” are dealt with his work of architect and of scholar.
A few years ago, also the weeklies as “Vanity Fair” you are interested in his research project.
Several monographs have been dedicated to his work. In particular, the volume, Cherubino Gambardella. Architecture and Projects 2000-2005, collects critical essays by Vincenzo Trione, Sebastiano Brandolini, Efisio Pitzalis, Fabio Mangone, Luca Molinari.

He has lectured in many Italian and foreign universities as well as seminars for students of the Catholic University of Washington, the Escola Tècnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, the ETH of Zurigo, the Cornell University of New York.
Its projects, installations and drawings have been exhibited in museums, foundations and cultural institutions in Europe, America and Asia.


Claudio Gambardella

Associate Professor of Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design “Luigi Vanvitelli” of the Second University of Naples, since 2010. He is part of the Academic Board of the PhD programme in “Architectural and Urban Design and Architectural Restoration” of SUN as well as the Academic Board of the International Doctorate in “Philosophy of Interior Architecture” of the University of Naples “Federico II”. He is currently working on a new concept of company museums, that he has been studying for years, to create a distinctive identity that differentiates them from other types of museums.

He edits for Alinea, the series “Company museums” with a scientific committee that includes L. Altarelli, G. L. Basso Peressut, S. Carrubba, A. Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, P. Formica, C. Gambardella, C. Manzo, A. Ozbil Torun, J. Siegemund. One of the volumes published in this series and edited by him in 2008, OFFICIAMUSEUM. The Regional Museum System of Design and Applied Arts, was indicated in the ADI Design Index 2009.

He is scientific advisor and artistic director for the project “Temporary Museum of Enterprise” product of excellence in Campania, under construction in Pompeii, under an agreement between the city of Pompeii and SUN.

Moreover he is project coordinator of “Summer School in designing of company museum systems in euromediterranean area” of SECONDA UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI with OKAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ of Istanbul and FACHHOCHSCHULE KÖLN approved in 2013 from Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa (INDIRE) of MIUR.

He was the president of ADI – Association for the Industrial Design Campania Delegation from 2004 to 2011.

From 2008 to 2010, he was artistic director of the Section Trends/Design of the Ravello Festival. Within this section, he conceived and curated the exhibitions “Shoes on exhibit: the treasures of the Ferragamo Museum”, “The Richard Ginori Museum: a new lease on life” and “ZERODISEGNO: madness is freedom” set up respectively in 2008, in 2009 and 2010. In 2011, he curated the exhibition “more craft, more design. Annibale Oste|Studio Azzurro”.

His objects and architectural projects have been exhibited and published in Italy and abroad.


Elena Manzo

(Naples, 1964), graduated in Architecture at the University of Naples in 1990. Ph.D. in “History and criticism of Architectural and Environmental Resources” at the Polytechnic of Turin in 1995 with a final thesis on urban transformation of Naples in the first half of thu XX century. Researcher of Architectural History at Faculty of Architecture in the Second University of Naples from 1999 to 2005. Since 2005 is Associate Professor of Architectural History at Faculty of Architecture in the Second University of Naples where she teaches “Modern Architectural History” and “History and Evolution of Industrial design” at Faculty of Architecture of the Second University of Naples.
She won national and international prize (i.e.: 1991, the National Prize at Accademia Nazionale di San Luca; 1995, the international prize at Accademia dei Lincei on “Il Gran Teatro del Barocco”).
She has been scientific menager for Research of University E.F. 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007 and 2008 and she has been member of Research Cofin P.R.I.N. (E.F. 2000) e P.R.I.N. (E.F. 2003); chairman of national and international conferences and congresses
She has written several books and essays in the field of Architectural History and Theory


Renato Piccirillo

Architect (Naples 1957)

Always fascinated by creativity and innovation’s world, i began to work soon at some design studies, also during my academic career ended in 1984 in Naples’ Architecture Faculty “Federico II”, with top marks, with the thesis “the Naples’Archaeological Museum as the center for the redevelopment of a quarter”. After the graduation i had the opportunity to face different kinds of experiences, from restoration to exhibit design and new construction.

In 1995 i founded, with a group of youths, “Ermes Multimedia digital design” sensing immediatly the role and the potentialities of the multimedial communication, continuing to explore all the suitables forms and the digital meaningfuls languages, carring on cultural and communicative projects.


CEO Ermes Multimedia – digital design for culture since 1995
MUVA (Virtual Museum of Architecture) designer and director since 2004
Executive member of ADI’s Events delegation Campania 2004-2011
Webmaster of several Cultural Websites including: Real Bosco di Capodimonte Naples, Contemporary Architectures in Campania since 1945 (, Ordine Architetti PPC of Naples, Architetti Napoletani.
January 1985- December 1994 Naples, Italy
Architectural designer at Arcostudio
July 1978- June 1982 Naples

Author of some writings and publications including:
1979 S.E.N. Naples
Cultural and environment heritage: experiences and proposals. Acts of
architecture’s review: “The week in the castle”

1982 IASM GPA Naples
Social and economic survey on Marcianise, Capodrise, Portico, Recale and San
Marco’s communes, Caserta.

1987 Alinea
National institute of urban design. Identity of urban environment / Acts of the conference, Florence,

1988 Bibliopolis
Pompeii project: A balance/ catalogue of the homonymous exhibition.

1993 Di.Pi.St/I.Pi.Ge.T
Megaride’s paper ’94 Acts of the contest-conference: Technologic innovation and territorial
transformation for the city of the XXI sec. Federico II National council of researchs

2006 Alinea
Regional museum system of design and applied arts.

2009 Pittogramma
ADI Codex Campania – designer section.


Nicola Pisacane

Assistant Professor of Drawing – Faculty of Architecture Luigi Vanvitelli_Seconda Università – Naples

PhD in Environmental and Architecture Surveying and Imaging – Seconda Università – Naples

Member of the Research Doctorate: Environmental and Architecture Surveying and Imaging – Seconda Università – Naples

Member of BENECON SCaRL Research Center on Cultural Heritage Ecology Economy

Member of research project and author of scientific papers and proceedings of international and national congresses about landscape, territorial and architectural representation


Francesco Rossi

Full Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples
Place of birth: Striano (Naples, Italy)
Date of birth: 15th of June 1948
Address: Department of Experimental Medicine – Section of Pharmacology “L. Donatelli” Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples


1972 Degree in Medicine and Surgery with highest distinction – University of Naples
1973 Complementary Hygiene Diploma – University of Florence
1975 Specialization in Anesthesiology and Reanimation – University of Naples
1979 Specialization in Cardiology and Angiology – University of Naples


1975-1980 Assistant at the Chair of Pharmacology – 1st Faculty of Medicine and Surgery -University of Naples
1980-1982 Senior Assistant at the Chair of Pharmacology – 1st Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – University of Naples
1982-1990 Associate Professor of Toxicology – 1st Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – University of Naples
1989-2006 Director of Clinic Pharmacy and Pharmacosurveillance Service – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples
Since 1990 Full Professor of Pharmacology – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples
1991-1998 Director of the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery- 2nd University of Naples
1991-1999 Coordinator of the Ph.D. course in Pharmacology and Toxicology – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples
1991-2005 Director of Specialization School in Pharmacology – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery- 2nd University of Naples
1997-1998 Chairman of the Board Faculty of Medicine and Surgery- 2nd University of Naples
1998-2000 Director of Proficiency course in Toxicology – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery- 2nd University of Naples
1998-2006 Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples
1999-2007 Coordinator of Ph.D. course in Pharmacological Sciences and Respiratory Pathophysiology – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 2nd University of Naples
Since 2001 Coordinator of the “Center of Excellence for Cardiovascular Diseases” – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery- 2nd University of Naples
Since 2001 Coordinator of “soggetto attuatore” (Department of Experimental Medicine) of the “Centro Regionale di Competenza di Genomica Funzionale” (GEAR)
Since 2006 Chairman of Pharmacosurveillance and Pharmacoepidemiology Service of the University Hospital – 2nd University of Naples
Since November 2006 Rector of 2nd University of Naples


Sergio Sibilio

PhD was born in Naples (Italy) on October 10th 1960; is presently full professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the “Department of Architecture and Industrial Design” of Seconda Università di Napoli, where he holds lectures of Applied Thermodynamics (BSc in Architecture) and Energy Saving in Building (MSc in Architecture).

Within the Erasmus mobility and Doctorate programme, he held lecturers on daylighting, energy savings and enviromental control at the universities of Universidad de Málaga (Malaga, Spain), Yildiz Technical University (Istanbul, Turkey), Togliatti State University (Russia).

He is member of AIDI (Italian Association of Lighting Application), AICARR (Italian Association of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) and IBPSA – Italy (Italian section of International Building Performance Simulation Association).

Expert evaluator within several EU Framework Programme he is also reviewer for the journals and scientific book and author of two textbooks and more than 100 technical articles on a diversity of topics in Applied Thermodynamics, Lighting and Energy Savings. He acts also as energy consultant for public administration and private companies.


Jochen Siegemund

(architect and urban designer)
Siegemund architects urban planners in Bonn germany
Professor of architectural design & space at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Director of the research focus and corporate architecture in  Cologne Institute for Architectural Design / CIAD. Head in the major field of study Master of Arts in Corporate Architecture of the Faculty of

Holder of the office for architecture and urban design Siegemund architects / SAS in Bonn germany. In addition to numerous awards in architecture  and urban planning competitions realized our office buildings for business, education and culture, and urban planning. The field of corporate  architecture, the development of Built-identity is a particular focus of our work. We create content in architectural space. We offer strategic and  meaningful solutions to aspects of innovation, design, technology and sustainability, as well as in workshop activities, research and expert opinions.

Studied architecture at the Technical University of Stuttgart, HFT Stuttgart School of Architecture in Leicester UK and part study of the restoration  and archeology at the ENAIP Veneto Italy. Scholarship from the Fulbright, Robert Bosch and ENAIP foundations. University assistant, academic  papers and professorships in subjects’ interior design and styling “,” building construction and design “,” design theory “and” interior design and  styling. ”


R. Nejat Tuncay

OKAN UNIVERSITY, Dean,  Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

R. Nejat TUNCAY was born in 1947 in Izmir. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1972 at İstanbul Technical University (ITU). He received his PhD from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (1977).

He served as  Assistant Professor, Associate professor (1982) and Professor (1988) in Department of Electrical Engineering at ITU. In 2002 he retaired and founded a research company called MEKATRO.

He was chairman of Energy Panel of Vision 2023 programme of TUBITAK. His research areas are; power electronics, electric vehicle drive systems,  battery management, power system harmonics and power quality.

He is serving at Okan University as the dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture since 2008.


Enrico Viceconte

Engineer and Educator.
Blogger: Management, Bicocca Training Lab, Snodi organizzativi, Extended Enterprise

Training and Research Manager at Stoà. Istituto di Studi per la Direzione e Gestione d’Impresa

Director at Stoà:
• Master in Human Resource Management
• Executive Master in Operations Management
• Executive MBA

Contract Professor:
• (2000 – 2008) 2d University of Napoli, Facoltà di Architettura, Marketing.
• (2005) Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II o”Methods for organizational design”,

Member of the Board of Directors and Education Manager at INCIPIT Consortium (An Incubator for Resarch spinoffs)

Educational Auditor in ASFOR (Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale)

Enrico has given workshops and courses to executives of a number of several organizations.
He also designs and delivers management courses and has been lecturing and giving seminars at the  following Universities:

– Università di Napoli Federico II (Economy, Engineering, Architecture)
– Seconda Università di Napoli (Economy, Architecture)
– Università degli Studi di Salerno (Economy)
– Università del Sannio (Engineering, Economy)
– Università Suor Orsola Benincasa (Human Sciences)
– IULM, (Communication) Corso di Laurea magistrale in Consumi e Distribuzione
– Politecnico di Milano, Poli-Design (Architecture)
– Università di Napoli, L’Orientale (Political Science)
– Ilva-CSM-Università di Roma la Sapienza (Engineering)

Enrico Viceconte studies focus on management of innovation in organizations and on Strategic Design. His research aims at understanding how organization can design and manage product/process innovations. His research is conducted at the Stoà in Napoli.


Ornella Zerlenga

1995/97 –Borsista post-dottorato in “Architecture and Environment Relief and Representation”.
1994 – PhD in “Architecture and Environment Relief and Representation”.
1988 – Degree in “Architecture”.

from 2011 – Director of the School of Design and Communication | Fashion Design. S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
from 2011 – Component of Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca “Iconography of European cities”. Director: Alfredo Buccaro-University of Naples “Federico II”.
from 2011 – Professore Ordinario di “Disegno” (S.S.D. Icar 17). S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
from 2007 – Member of Commissione Piano Triennale di sviluppo 2007/09, S.U.N.
2004/2011 – Professore Associato confermato di “Disegno” (S.S.D. Icar 17). S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
2001/04 – Professore Associato di “Disegno” (S.S.D. Icar 17). S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
From 2000 – S.I.C.S.I.-S.U.N. – Responsabile Indirizzo “Arte e Disegno” e “Tecnologico”.
1999/01 – Ricercatore di “Disegno” (S.S.D. H11X), S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
1994-99 – Teacher, Faculty of Architecture, S.U.N. and University of Reggio Calabria.

from 2008 – Member of board PhD Programm in “Environment an Structures Representation, Protection and Safety”, S.U.N.
2009/11 – 2007/09 – 2005/07 – 2003/05 – 2000/02 – Member of research board PRIN.
from 2005 – Member of research board “Regional Research Centre Benecon”, S.U.N.
from 2005 – Member of research board “Built Environment Control Laboratory Ri.A.S.”, S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
from 2005 – Member of research board Master “Rappresentazione del Territorio”, S.U.N’s Faculty of Architecture.
2005 – Referee of CIVR.
from 2000 – member of board PhD Programm in “Architecture and Environment Relief and Representation”, S.U.N.

1992 – First prize “Storia del Disegno d’Architettura”.
1989 – Prize of study “Luigi Vagnetti”. U.I.D. – Unione Italiana per il Disegno.
2008 – Targa d’argento U.I.D. – Unione Italiana per il Disegno.

Teacher of “Fondamenti e Applicazioni di Geometria Descrittiva”, “Rilievo dell’architettura”, “Rilievo Urbano e Ambientale”, “Grafica Computerizzata”, “Configurazione grafica dell’immagine visiva”, “Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale in Disegno”, “Laboratorio di disegno per la moda”.



Elif Büyükekiz

She was born in Istanbul on January 8, 1991. She is living in Istanbul. She was graduated from Nafi Güral Science High School in 2009. She is studying  Architecture in Okan University. She is on her 7th semester in the university.  She speaks English and a little Russian.

She can use AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Microsoft Office Programs. She had trained in MGM Architecture(in Antalya) from Haziran 2011 to Temmuz 2011; Okan Holding(in Istanbul) from Haziran 2012 to Temmuz 2012; DB Architecture(in Istanbul) from Temmuz 2012 to Eylül 2012.

She has TS 18001 labor-worker’s health and job safety-security certificate.


Giuliana Chierchiello

was born on 19/01/1989 in San Giorgio a Cremano (NA).

After obtaining the scientific degree in 2007 with grade 100/100, she started her university career with the bachelor’s degree in “Industrial Design” at the Faculty of Architecture “Luigi Vanvitelli” in Aversa.

During the study period she participated in national competitions and in 2010 she spent an Erasmus period of 6 months in Liege, Belgium, at L’ecole des Beaux Art de Saint Luc. It is here that, through a comparison with a different approach to product design and the realization of students of their scale prototypes, she refined her design skills.

In Belgium, she attended also courses of Interior Architecture and discovered her affinity to this subject. In Italy she make her own internship at an architecture studio in Naples, during which she collaborated to the design of a theater for a regional competition and takes care of the interior design of the hotel rooms of an ongoing project. She graduated in 2011 with a thesis on retail design with 110/110 cum laude.

Her passion for architecture urged her to pass a series of exams that allowed her to attend the Master degree, which she is currently attending, in “Architecture, Interior Design and for autonomy ”, in English language.

Maria Amelia

Maria Amelia Del Vecchio

I was born in Caserta in 1990 and live in Casoria, a city near Naples.

I attended the artistic high school where I have learnt some metod of painting and also sculpture and architectural draw. I was happy with my choice, because I had good teachers who taught me to make copies of famous paintings by Caravaggio with the technique of pointillism, but I’ve also started doing architectural projects like that of a church.

In 2009 I started my university career. In the Department of Architecture of the Second University of Naples I have had the opportunity to confirm my passion for architecture, thanks to many good teachers. In 2012 I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Architectural Science and Engineering by a vote of 108. In recent years I have participated in some competitions on the architectural and urban design.

In April of 2013 I have inscribed for the bachelor in Architecture – Interior Design and for Autonomy, a master degree in english. I decided to attend a graduate program in english because it is a good opportunity and that one day I would go abroad to work.


Gaye Kepiç

I was born on 12/12/1990 in İstanbul.
I was studied at Kenan Evren Anatolian High School. I’m studying at Okan University, department of Architecture.
Previously, I participated MED’s Workshop (2011), International Architectural Biennal of Antalya 2011, Ecoweek 2012 (Greece).
I worked as an intern in Mono Architecture Office (2013), Emay Construction (Hilton Hotel Construction site, 2012), Bektaş Architecture Office (Cengiz Bektaş, 2011).
And now I’m studying at Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli for the Erasmus .


Francesca Liguori

was born on 20.01.1989 in Naples.
After earning the degree in classical studies in 2007, she attended an academic course of study in “Scienze dell’Architettura” at the Faculty of Architecture “Federico II” in Naples.
During the university career she put her attention on architecture, interior design and art and she participated in national architectural competitions. She obtained the bachelor’s degree in 2011 with a thesis on urban design of area near Porta Capuana, one of principal door of aragoneses wall, with 110/110 cum laude. After the bachelor’s degree, she make an internship at an architecture and design studio in Benevento.
From 2012 she attends a Master degree in “Architecture, Interior Design and for Autonomy” at the Faculty of Architecture “Luigi Vanvitelli”.


Mareike Klüver

After I finished school I spent a year in Australia and when I returned I decided to study at the University of Siegen. During my BA study course of Literary, Cultural, and Media Studies I discovered that I want to work in the fields of film architecture. My main interest, however, is stage design, so I decided to expand my education with further studies in Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne.

In my first study I took courses in film and script analysis and learned about remakes and different directors. Additionally, I took part in several theatre productions where I was responsible for the stage design. My BA thesis dealt with the evolution of animated film.

With my studies in Architecture I am broadening my knowledge of model making, structural analysis, designing and constructing. As I am a very dedicated student I was already offered a job as a teaching assistant for the subjects Design and Construction in my third term and function as a contact person for new students. During my BA my interest in planning, designing and constructing models has increased, so I continued my architectural studies with a special focus on Corporate Architecture.


Christina Koschowsky

Student in the Masterprogramme of Cologne Institute for Architectural Design / CIAD with specialization in Corporate Architecture. Student assistant / Tutor in artistic studies at the Laboratory for Experimental Art & Architecture / L E A R .

Graduated with a Bachelor degree in both Architecture and Interior Design at Detmold school of Architecture and Interior Design. These studies provided a wide range of contents as well as a main architectural ideology and target: Human Centered Design.

Rooms and their varying effects on people fascinate her. Cities, buildings and interiors have influence on health, feelings, behavior and even social life and relationships. Besides, they are themselves subject of influences from various aspects like the society’s concept of beauty and the actual stage of development of building technology. To create and change rooms is one of the most demanding and responsible tasks.

The shape of our whole surrounding is due to its context: historical, cultural and human aspects come together and characterize design as a product of its interrelations and individual circumstances. Convinced about the importance of knowledge about history of building and design she studied Architectural History, Theory and Interpretation (MA) at London Metropolitan University and graduated with the Master Dissertation ‘Architecture of Remembrance:
Memory, Aesthetics and the Holocaust’ which focuses on contemporary commemoration by means of built spaces.


Valerio Palmieri

was born on 26/10/1988 in Capua (CE)
In 2007 he obtains the scientific degree and in 2011 he graduated in “Industrial Design”
with 110/110.

During the three years of the degree course, produces a variety of projects and  participates in several competitions. In 2010 he spent an Erasmus period of 6 months, in  Liege, Belgium, at L’ecole des Beaux Art de Saint Luc. Here, by comparison with his  colleagues, increases his design maturity and refines his manual skill, studying the  different approaches to the project through the construction of scaled prototypes.
In 2011, his internship at the lighting company Quattrifolio, enabled him to deepen his  knowledge in the field of lighting design.

The same year, this experience will be added to a phase of study of the design of the  dining places that is actualized in the design and construction of the interior of a lounge  bar, in the province of Caserta, Manhattan Bar in Vitulazio, for which he care the  management of the space and designs all the furnishings, including lighting fixtures.

Also in 2011, participates in the competition “James Dyson Award” resulting Italian finalist.  Today Valerio is attending the first year of the Bachelorʼs degree in: “Architecture – Interior  Design and for Authonomy.”


Nicoletta Pianese

born in Naples in March 15, 1988, graduated from high school, she began her academic career at the age of 19 years and in 2011 she graduated from the Second University of Naples, Aversa in Architectural Sciences with the highest grades and honors with a degree in Architectural Design and supervision of Prof. Arch Lorenzo Capobianco.

In 2010 received a scholarship for merit.
Earned her Bachelor, she took part to some design groups for various competition announcements in architecture.
At the same time experienced for a short period at the Planning Office of the municipality.
She increased her personal training and skills through an individual 48 hours multimedia programs course.
In 2011, she succeeded in entering the ranking to the “Specialization in Architettura-Progettazione degli Interni e per l’Autonomia” where she was lucky to have as Master Prof. Arch Claudio Gambardella, thanks to whom she had a close approach to the world of Arts and Design .
In 2013 she will finish her university studies.


Laura Spickenheier

Currently Laura is specializing in corporate architecture as a student of the Masterprogramme at the Cologne Institute for Architectural Design. With an emphasis on the ideology of beauty and function, the academic studies foster the mutual interaction betweeen man and architecture.

Previously Laura graduated with a Bachelor degree in both Architecture and Interior Design at Peter Behrens School of Architecture in Düsseldorf. As a result of these combined studies she experienced a variety of artistic and communicative skills, heading to advanced subject specific trainings such as „Light and Energy, Symposium“ as well as competitions like „Hospital´s Foyer, Solingen“.

During her occupation at Croce Architects’ in Cologne, Laura received specified work experience based on the different HOAI planning stages. She performed activities in final design and in building permitting application. Construction documents have been in her charge as well as she repeated a vacational training at SchürmannSpannel AG, Bochum.

Laura´s native language is German, she has linguistic proficiency internship in English and has improved her language skills during her international experiences, for example in Peking at the Commune by the Great Wall or in Shanghai for World Expo 2010. Laura has basic software literacy in Autodesk AutoCad and Maxon Cinema4D. Her layout skills are fluent on Adobe Photoshop/ InDesign/ Illustrator. She is interested in corporate design and architectural photography


Veronika Szczygiel

I`m studying at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences with the Master Major Corporate Architecture to develop myself in a specific direction of architecture. My basic idea is to create identity through architecture. No matter if it’s a flagship store for a brand or a house. Architecture has to change people and society in a positive way and perhaps even act as an impetus for development.

Accompanying the Master’s program I work with an cologne architect. There I am an integral part of a perfectly complementary team. We are currently working on the reconstruction of a known landmark office building in Cologne. Furthermore we rebuild buildings all over Germany for an insurance company within the meaning of corporate identity.

Creativity and pragmatism belong to me, as well as painting and the simple things in life, like enjoying the sun. Thanks to this operation, I find it easy to solve complex design tasks and to establish them in detail. I worked on challenging projects, such as conversion of an office building into hotel-use or redevelopment and redesign of a loft in Berlin.

I love the variety in everyday work of an architect. Currently I have experienced this and I feel like I`m in the right place. The next goal is to complete my master’s thesis successfully. The Summer School gives me to go-ahead for it. The issue of corporate museum will be a part of my masterwork. I’m glad to have the possibility to explore this topic in Istanbul and Naples within the cultural aspect.