
The project of the Mediterranean Museum System of Design and Applied Arts, following the 2012 edition of this Forum with our friends from Turkey and Germany, is becoming increasingly popular body. The “System” consist of numerous artistic and scientific themes, which include: the development of artidesign – as a third genre between design and craftsmanship – capable of giving a voice to the material cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean basin and, at the same time, establishing itself successfully in the global market shaken by the crisis and crossed by a thousand considerations of growth, post-growth and decline; the possible interaction between specialised craft, applied arts and design museums to insert cultural energies into the necessary process of revitalization and modernization of existing artisan production activities; the draft Company Museums of the territory that, unlike the corporate museums tout court, must be representative of a “productive landscape”, and finally, the management of a complex system that aspires to involve more countries, culturally, politically and economically distant from each other, inspired by the concept of Smart Cities and Smart Communities.


GAMBARDELLA C, SIEGEMUND J (2013). Smart communities and local company museums: two new concepts for the Mediterranean Museum System of Design and Applied Arts. In: HERITAGE ARCHITECTURE LANDESIGN focus on CONSERVATION REGENERATION INNOVATION Le vie dei Mercanti _ XI Forum Internazionale di Studi. p. 988-998, Napoli:La scuola di Pitagora editrice, ISBN: 978-88-6542-290-8, Aversa – Capri, 13/15 Giugno).