The University Smart Community

The project deals with the creation of a Smart Community in the province of Caserta, between the art cities that are the venues of the various Departments of the Second University of Naples and the four municipalities of the Domitian Coast. Firstly, the project aims to exploit an underlying tourism that already exists and affects the university population of students and professors, both Italian and foreign, operating in the five locations of the Departments of the Second University of Naples, within an area that is strongly characterized by historic-architectural, artistic, archaeological and landscape features, with Caserta being the “great attractor”. In addition, the Smart Community extends to all the areas of the Domitian coast, within the province of Caserta, which, due to the presence of a large number of hotels, could be future “decentralized SUN guest accommodation”, with it being a good standard and economically convenient, and not only providing beds and meals but also services related to the organization of events, scientific conferences, seminars and workshops typical of university activities.

The project also includes the promotion of a relationship between the university and the African community that lives along the Domitian coast with the creation of a “museum of African Culture”, physical and virtual, and a meeting point in one of Municipalities of the Domitian coast and distributed in the form of museum fragments for scientific thematic areas in the different venues of the SUN. This could possibly help in the fight against organized crime and illegal employment, through the support and affirmation of a renewed cultural identity of the African Community.
Finally, the University Smart Community uses the environmentally friendly and sustainable services of car and bike sharing with electric vehicles that can easily meet, with reduced costs, the chronic lack of transport links between the different locations involved in the project.


GAMBARDELLA C, SIEGEMUND J (2013). Smart communities and local company museums: two new concepts for the Mediterranean Museum System of Design and Applied Arts. In: HERITAGE ARCHITECTURE LANDESIGN focus on CONSERVATION REGENERATION INNOVATION Le vie dei Mercanti _ XI Forum Internazionale di Studi. p. 988-998, Napoli:La scuola di Pitagora editrice, ISBN: 978-88-6542-290-8, Aversa – Capri, 13/15 Giugno).